Friday 8 July 2011

A Gift of Habits

Posted by clapalisoc | Friday 8 July 2011 | Category: , |

Year after year, hundreds of self help books are being published. There are those that did not make it big and there are a couple that have been in the market for quite sometime--- still selling. One book that I find really interesting is entitled “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”

I was introduced to this book back when I was in my first BPO Company. My manager then, was a big fan of employee development and would give us lectures, trainings and informal talks, all in the welfare of us being groomed into someone she can be proud of one day. I did not really pay much attention to it before because I was just starting as a QA and there were so many things to learn starting from the basics. One year after, I got married, my husband paid attention to the book. He had a PDF copy and had been it reading day in and day out. He would share bits and pieces about the book and I would normally pay very minimal attention. My husband got a job involving instructional design of modules for employee development recently, and got himself seriously involved with 7 Habits. The timing was just perfect that season, as I coincidentally got the liberty to attend development training at the company I am engaged with at the moment and the core of the majority of the development sessions were derived from the same book.

My interest in finishing the book and internalizing what it has to offer grew each time I attended a session. I told my husband about it. The best art of it was that he needed another person to read the book from one chapter to the next so he can have someone to consult with, compare notes and gain more insights while engineering his modules. He decided to get me my own book. Since he knew that I am the type that would really murder a book (by carelessly highlighting or underlining sentences or phrases that got my attention and by writing how I understood things), he knew that there will be another view of each topic in case he missed out on some major things as I have my own to read.

So, I just started reading the book and know that this is not the answer for success in life but it somehow gives us this window to try to look at and do things differently. After all, if this is not effective given that most of the principles were diligently practiced, companies would not incorporate its content into their employee development programs and would not set up sessions dedicated to the 7 Habits. So I guess it’s up to the reader on how to go about what has been read and apply it. It’s not really the responsibility of the book to bring about change – this is definitely the reader’s ball.

As I go about each chapter, I will try my best to write about what I have read and learned – as long as time would allow me too. Let’s hope for the best :p

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