Thursday 22 December 2011

9 Mornings: Every Cup Counts

Yuletide season is almost synonymous to non-stop shopping, bargains, super sale events, salary bonuses and most of all, promos. Every single establishment is jiffed-up, ready to empty the pockets of people (especially those who are into the Holiday rush). From department stores to grocery establishments, retail shops, restaurants, appliance centers and even coffee pads -– all have their own gimmicks. 

One popular coffee shop (busier than ever) during this season is Starbucks. People go gaga over their “Limited Edition” planners. Lining up and drinking as much coffee as they can (with effects that vary such as keeping you up late in the middle of the night and the like) filling up their SB promo cards with stickers and gain one, or even all, of the released versions of the planners.

I am actually one of those who would go into a coffee trance to get the prized Starbucks planner. But more than just completing the stickers, there is something more in this craze for me. It’s my chance to consume as much Peppermint Mocha and Toffee Nut flavors that I can (that keeps me all hyped up)! Just thinking about it excites me! Imagine... it’s only once in a year that these drinks are unveiled for consumption! Also, for me, every single cup counts.

My first Toffee Nut cup!
Starbucks for yourself : “me-time” that is ever so precious. When you need a break from the (crazy) corporate world and just want that alone time to sit back and relax.

Starbucks breakfast with dear hubby
Starbucks with someone very special : that special date with the love of your life. To catch up, enjoy each other and be thankful for all the blessings.

Signature Iced Choco for Cherienne, Peppermint Mocha for Hubby & Toffee Nut for me
Starbucks with the whole family : the perfect bonding time. A shy away from the usual day-to-day activity that most times become so familiar.

Starbucks with Roy & AC behind the camera
Starbucks for AC
Starbucks with dear friends : a time to unwind and enjoy the company of friends dear to you.

Hubby is also a Starbucks nut, we ended up getting a total of four planners -– Oak, Spruce, Cherry and Bamboo. (Talk about getting 4 out of 5!) Funny how we arrived with them, when we did not really aim to get that many, just enough for the two of us, drinking coffee whenever a chance slips in. Being advocates of the "Peppermint and Toffee Nut gods" that we were, we never noticed that we eventually earned planners, a piece at a time. 

Spruce for me :D
Cherry for Hubby
Oak for Mom
Bamboo - no one owns it yet :D
For whatever reason(s) you have jumping into this planner menace, the joy of the season and the uptake is something that can not be replaced by any promo or bargain. Let every single cup count and let every memory last forever.

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