Saturday 28 January 2012

9 Mornings : One Book at a Time

I have always been a lover of books. Aside from writing, reading is another pastime that I can’t let go of. I would devour each cleverly written page as I am able to gain more and more of a certain topic or story I am enamoured of at the moment. It keeps my mind relaxed and at peace. 

I usually get myself a book (or two) once in a while in about three months. Hubby would sometimes buy me some titles that he'd also love to read. Yet, its during the Yuletide that I get the most number of books in a year... Mostly because my Christmas and New Year wish list would always contain several titles.

This year, I hoped for several books to come to my possession –- Love in the Time of Cholera, Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Zahir, White Oleander, Aleph and Diary of a Wimpy Kid – book 5. I did not get any of these from the usual office exchange gift since the one who picked me got me 500 worth of GCs (not that it was bad, probably just because it was hard to shop during the season) so hubby decided to buy me all the paperbacks that I wanted to have (and I am one lucky gal indeed!). 

We scheduled my [book] shopping and pressed onward. I did not get all those in my list because they were either out of stock (like the new book by Coelho -– Aleph) or I just changed my mind. I got the following though.

Love in the Time of Cholera

This is the famous book from the movie Serendipity (also made its way to Oprah’s Book Club) and is known as a motion picture. I know I am a bit late from its more popular days but I just got to find out why it is so!

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

I remember this book as one of those in the wish list of my former boss. The title never escaped my mind from then on so I checked it out and got interested with the plot.

Left Behind Series – Left Behind, Tribulation Force & Nicolae

The first three books in the Left Behind Series, [the first book] was introduced to me when I was in college. It was a pretty interesting fiction design, [though definitely] biblically inspired. From the day I finished the first book, I promised myself that I will complete reading the series.

There are still a lot of titles that I would want to read. And I am not in a hurry, just taking life one book at a time.

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